Monday, June 27, 2011

7th Letter

BCT Day 19 5/23/11
Today was a very weird, hurry up and wait day for our platoon. We were informed that two other platoons would be spending all day at the shooting range getting to know their rifles with live fire. We on the other hand would be spending the day learning urban operations and going to the PX for haircuts and any hygiene items we may need.

I forgot to mention that the previous night was not very fun with 3 people coming down with fevers and one person going to the hospital as well because he said he had a list of people that would “take care” of on the range once he had live rounds. Afterwards, he would take care of himself. So… yeah. In addition to that, we had two people get into an argument and one person lost his cool and pushed the other. This prompted the DS to chew out all of the platoon leadership for about 15 minutes. Later in the night, the DS came back and dropped off the would-be shooter and said he is to be watched for suicide watch.

Any who, we had our most intense PRT session so far. We did our crappy warm session and then some other random warm up exercises. After that, they had us do 1 mile worth of 30/60s. Usually this means you sprint for 30 seconds and job 60 seconds. However, because this was our first 30/60, they had us sprint and walk. Plus, the sprinting didn’t feel like a full 30 seconds. I get the feeling the DSs had us moving late for chow by one DS telling another not to stretch us or give us a cool down because we needed to be at chow “Now.” Great!!! [Insert sarcasm] Have us push ourselves physically and not stretch…no one will hurt tomorrow.
After chow, we were instructed to spend our time working on BRM activities. I guess urban operations were not feasible today because it never happened. Later, one DS instructed to PG and platoon leadership that they need to get a list from each person as to what they need from the PX. They would then go to the PX for them. What the DS was not clear about was when. Our PG took that as going at will before and after chow and not when we were at the PX for haircuts.

Before chow, I went with the PG to get the last group of shopping lists. On our way back the DS freaked out on us and had us wait for another SFC DS. He then fired the PG and squad leader with us. He asked me what I do. I said “I was just a battle buddy.” He said, “Well it’s too bad you’re getting burned for another’s f-up.” I thought for sure we were getting counseling statements. Turns out we did not. The DS then appointed the goofiest people in the platoon as PG. He looked like he was embarrassed.

We then formed up and marched over to the PX for haircuts. Nothing notable other than getting a half ass haircut and DS catching someone singing to Jewel. All I heard was the DS yelling, “Are you F’king kidding me!?!” We got back to the bay, messed around with our rifles and practiced BRM on the various machines we have in CTA.

DS T got back from the range and had the platoon come and help clean up the deuce (the big work truck we use). He yelled for the PG and got PVT Goofy. He asked “Who the F are you?” “I’m the PG DS.” His response was “Yo ass is fired!” He looked at the PVT that I rode from MEPS with (PVT Hip Hop) and said, “Yo ass is PG.” We then got crap together. Later, that night, we had another bay meeting and the PVT Hip Hop gave a nice little speech of expectations of the platoon and himself. It was motivating. He then had a prayer with most of the platoon. We actually had people try to makeup who had some issues with each other. 

BCT Day 20 5/24/11
First Live Fire Day!

The two platoons shooting today (mine included) didn’t even participate at PRT this morning. I think we actually got out to the range earlier to start earlier and take advantage of more cool morning air. One of the purposes of today was for people to actually fire the weapon and utilize all of the learning from the past 3 weeks. The second was for people to group 4 out of 5 shots in a 4 centimeter area and to adjust their sights to center their shots within the center of a target. This is known as a “zeroing.”

I had a few issues at first. There are about four concepts you have to have right all at once to shoot around the same spot. After 25 rounds, I finally figured it out! After that I spent the rest of the day waiting and helping the DSs with running ammo and other various tasks. We then got back and helped unload the deuces and getting things together for the next day. DS T then came into the bay and BS’s with us and had us hunt the good stuff. That means even though we may have had a crappy day, we need to think of at least on positive thing from the day.

The fact that my squad no longer had a squad leader was addressed. The Ds said he didn’t care and said choose one. The common consensus among the people asked was that it should be me. I was reluctant but wanted to see how long I could last before getting fired. We then had our prayer for the night, but before that DS T came in and figured out we had 18 people with fevers of 101.7 and up. They had a nice trip to the emergency room.

BCT Day 21 Wednesday 5/25/11

We are now the pariahs of the company. 3rd platoon is two inches from a full quarantine with 8 people in the platoon at the ER. This morning started with a little PRT and then an Ability Group Run (AGR). AGRS are broken into 3 groups: A, B, C and maybe D. Alpha group consists of the fastest runners while Charlie consists of the slowest. Because I was trying to get over this crud, I decided to try Charlie. It wasn’t a bad pace, about 9:15 mile speed. I kept up fine till the end where the DSs tried to see who they could lose. I stayed apart of the main group. The people who fell out of the Charlie group are actually who make up the Delta group. I think I will try Bravo group next time and try to step it up. I was a little annoyed that they only ran us 1.5 mile though.

Upon getting back, we promptly ate chow. After chow, we were instructed to go to our bays and…sleep from 0730 to 1100 hrs.…? Evidently the company brass thought the company was sick enough to warrant some extra sleep. Not an argument from any of us with in our platoon. 

After the bleach nap, we were promptly ordered to conduct another bleach drill in the bay. After that, the rest of the day till dinner chow. After dinner chow, we had our hydration formation. This is where we officially transitioned from Red phase to White phase. The difference means we can now get Gatorade and power bars from the “Gut truck” that comes around at or around 2000 most nights, we can walk ourselves to and from various locations without a DS, we can do PT around the CTa and other things. Nothing else happened with the exception of one or more people going to the ER for fevers in our PLT. What else in new. Oh yeah, I did receive a really nice package from my wife. It really helped my morale.

BCT Day 22 Thursday 5/26/11

Another fun morning of PRT in the bay, which is hot and humid in the morning, in our ACUs. Yay. The DSs had SGT Ski run our PRT session.  After PRT we formed up and loaded on Trans to go the location hit and miss range. This is arranged outside with targets like our regular range that illustrates where he hit or miss our shots.
We ate breakfast chow at the range via UPU. After breakfast, they then formed us up to get ready and fire on the range. It was relatively easy for me. I only miss a few shots here there. I actually had the rifle pop back and get me in the lip one shot. It drew a little blood. After I was done and went to turn in my magazines, the DS at the ammo shack told me to take an extra magazine and burn it off…Sweet! I got to go and shoot them off, however I wanted. What did suck was that I did start feeling like crap again and kept getting worse as the day went. I even started coughing up green mucus again. Great!

After the firing, DS T schooled us in tactical formations. He then challenged the other platoon that was with us to a one-man competitive match. Our Korean guy smoked their nerdy know-it-all… We then had a rap off and sing off. We won both as well.
We then rode back to the CTA and had a nice surprise from the DSs. Every PLT had their bay tossed. Our bay got it worse with laundry detergent spread all over almost every surface in the bathroom. I could describe it as a blood scene from “The shining,” but with blue replacing the color red. Evidently, our DSs were extra pissed because we were not doing or bleach drills properly. We cleaned up most of the mess before heading for dinner chow. After chow we had our hydration formation. We had to have it inside due to severe thunder storm warning in the area. Upon getting back, I had the DS on duty check my temperature. It read 100.8. He told me to come back in an hour to come back in an hour to re-check. Upon the second reading was a temp of 100.6. The DSs reply was “you’re getting better private; you don’t need to go to the hospital like all of your other sick platoon buddies.” Whatever, I was going to sick call the next day.

BCT Day 23 Friday 5/27/11
Woke up and tried to get a few bunks in my squad squatted away before leaving for sick call. Evidently, there was on AGR scheduled for that morning, but it was canceled. I think it had something to do with the 4-day weekend for Memorial Day because there were maybe two or three DSs on hand. However, I could hear the platoons working out upstairs in the bays.

Upon getting to the clinic there was a huge line of sick and broken people. There are always the same conversations going on: Who’s DS is meaner, what week they are in, who has a heavier weapon, how they got that nasty rash…etc. My temperature at the clinic was about 99.5. A low grade fever I guess. I was given some antibiotics, cough drops, Tylenol, and Claritin. The RNP asked if I had been to the infirmary before. I said, “No, is that where I am going?” Yep, for 48hrs.” I was then given a packing list and sent back to my unit to collect up my things.

Upon getting back, another guy and I informed DS T that we are going to the Infirmary. His response was “Enjoy your vacation.” We got our things and left. The Infirmary had this really weird depressed inside. I felt like I had walked into a slow scene from “One who flew over the coos nest.” There’s bunks, a TV with movies constantly playing, some tables and a nurse there to baby sit us. The rules are simple. You can sleep, read, write, shower, watch a movie, and EAT whenever you want except when chow does come. I took a nice long nap after lunch and read “Boots on the Ground” the rest of the day. It’s been a decent book so far discussing the 82nd Airborne and their invasion of Iraq in 2003. Lights out is 2200. I didn’t think I was going to need the sleeping bag I brought. Man was I wrong. The air in that building got down to the mid to low 60s overnight.

BCT Day 24 Saturday 5/28/11
MIN Field Trip

I have had enough of the Infirmary. I know I was scheduled 48 hrs. but I was told I could leave after 1 day should I choose. I felt like I am wasting time and just needed some sleep the previous day. There were shirkers in the place that said there was nothing wrong with them, but they did not want to clean up with their PLT during the last week or two. I just wanted to get back to my PLT. Upon getting back to my unit, I found out our bay had been tossed again and that the company was going on a field trip to the Nation Infantry Museum (NIM) here at Ft. Benning. I got changed and ready just in time. The NIM just relocated in Feb. to this brand new $100 million building with a nice new graduation field. It is quite impressive after taking into account is from local donations. I am not going to try and describe the exhibits on here. At some point I will try to upload some pictures when I get out of jail…I mean BCT. After a few hours inside they had us eat MRES outside. I gave away most of my food because the there was too many calories. 

After getting back, we worked on cleaning the bay before dinner chow. After dinner chow, we had hydration formation. After HF, my PLT had to do CQ cleaning duties. After that, I had CQ duty for an hour. At some point during my shift, my PLT was given 20 mine phone calls. Of course my relief was 15 minutes late. However, I did get to make my 20 minute phone call and speak to my wife. Luckily everything is going well at home. It felt so good to speak to my wife after nearly 3 weeks for more than 5 minutes.
After one phone call, I had about 15 minutes to shower and try and start on straightening up my locker for Sunday’s first locker inspection. I had problems sleeping with the cough I had the whole night.

BCT Day 25 Sunday 5/29/11
Toby Keith Concert
After wakeup this morning, it was a frenzy of people trying to straighten our lockers. We really didn’t know what time the inspection was going to take place. What made it worse was that the PG decided his locker was to be the standard 30 minutes before formation WTF?!?Whatever.

After chow, our SDS did his inspection with the PG and squad leaders. For the most part there were a few items that everyone got wrong across the board. I just found it nice to finally know his standard. He also gave us an offer. At 1900 Monday, he will do another inspection for each item that is wrong in the PLT; he will take 1.5 minutes off of a 30 minute phone call for Memorial Day. Yippie Kay Yay!! I just hope we end up with more than 15 minutes. At about 1045, the CQ DS called a short notice HF. Evidently, someone called a bomb threat. So our movement and activity will be limited. Also, he seemed to think that the Toby Keith concert may be canceled as well. We all hope not.

I went to mass and got back around 1700. We formed up and left around 1800 for the Toby Keith concert. It was a good time for most of the guys due to the pizza, ice cream, Italian ice, and half dressed women. What was bummer was the fact that Toby Keith didn’t even start playing till about 2125 and we had to form up to leave at 2145. We got about 2 ½ songs in before leaving. We marched back where we had one guy pass out and a few fevers. We’ll see how they feel tonight.

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